RE: JAX-B and xsd:choice

From: Tinnefeld, Karsten <>
Date: Fri, 23 Dec 2011 18:10:40 +0100

The interesting question about the discussion is, what is getA().add(element) supposed to do?

Case i) it should not modify something, as e.g. you're not interested in generating XML. Then a generic filter utility could do your job.

public static final <T> filterForClass(final List<JAXBElement<T> list, Class<? extends T> class) {
  /* ... */ return filteredList;

In case ii) you need this to work as well, I'd create a List proxy which takes a List<JAXBElement> and delegates each addition etc. to it.

Karsten Tinnefeld                         <>
Projektleiter, adesso AG
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