RE: Who uses jaxb?

From: Martin Bosticky <>
Date: Tue, 16 Aug 2005 13:54:07 +0100

Good point. By the way, does anyone know if JAXB is faster or slower than
the two most common DOM implementations (MSDOM and apache xerces)? Obviously
it depends on the test. Mostly I mean in loading XML and traversing the





From: []
Sent: 16 August 2005 13:40
Subject: RE: Who uses jaxb?


yeah.. I guess. But you know it all depends on what you are doing, right.
DOM is good for some things and SAX is good for others. I don't favor one or
the other. It all depends. I probably should have listed the different tools
that I used and not the actual base technology (SAX and DOM).. it was a
quick email. you know.

My main point was, and is, that JAXB is a good idea, is a good product and
has really saved us a lot of heart ache and that is it well supported thanks
to its users and of course our friend Kohsuke. That I have no reservation in
recommending this technology, because I don't.


-------------- Original message --------------

 JaxB is a heck a nice product and I have used a lot of them, most of the
major DOM and SAX products and the Digester. JAXB rocks.. It is a heck of a
good tool.. Point it at a schema and with few lines your Java object model
is built and really to go. Read and write you model to and from any stream,
done, no problem, piece of cake..


I agree. I used to use a DOM a lot but would not do so again unless I had


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