RE: Who uses jaxb?

From: Kirill Grouchnikov <>
Date: Tue, 16 Aug 2005 05:59:56 -0700 (PDT)


See [1], [2] and [3] - section on unmarshaling and compare
JAXB line with 'reference DOM' line. The DOM code was hand
written for specific schema. In these tests, DOM was about
30% faster than JAXB, but JAXB handles general cases, while
DOM code was specific for one schema.


--- Martin Bosticky <>

> Good point. By the way, does anyone know if JAXB is
> faster or slower than
> the two most common DOM implementations (MSDOM and apache
> xerces)? Obviously
> it depends on the test. Mostly I mean in loading XML and
> traversing the
> data.
> Martin.
> _____
> From:
> []
> Sent: 16 August 2005 13:40
> To:
> Subject: RE: Who uses jaxb?
> yeah.. I guess. But you know it all depends on what you
> are doing, right.
> DOM is good for some things and SAX is good for others. I
> don't favor one or
> the other. It all depends. I probably should have listed
> the different tools
> that I used and not the actual base technology (SAX and
> DOM).. it was a
> quick email. you know.
> My main point was, and is, that JAXB is a good idea, is a
> good product and
> has really saved us a lot of heart ache and that is it
> well supported thanks
> to its users and of course our friend Kohsuke. That I
> have no reservation in
> recommending this technology, because I don't.
> -------------- Original message --------------
> JaxB is a heck a nice product and I have used a lot of
> them, most of the
> major DOM and SAX products and the Digester. JAXB rocks..
> It is a heck of a
> good tool.. Point it at a schema and with few lines your
> Java object model
> is built and really to go. Read and write you model to
> and from any stream,
> done, no problem, piece of cake..
> I agree. I used to use a DOM a lot but would not do so
> again unless I had
> to.
> This message has been scanned for viruses by
> MailController
> <> .

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