dealing with an element that isn't in your java objects?

From: Jamie <>
Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2006 14:26:24 -0500

I have a problem I'm trying to solve where there is an element that some
of my object's attributes belong to but others don't in the XML, but
none of them do (the element does not exist) in my java object.

Given the following POJO class:

class Car {

   int getNumberOfDoors() {
      return 4;

   String getColor() {
      return "blue";

   boolean isConvertable() {
      return false;
   boolean isLeftHandDrive() {
      return false;


I need to marshal out the following XML:


If you notice, the ExternalLooks element does not exist in my object,
but is specified in the schema. I'm basically looking for good ways to
solve this, i.e. make my XML from my current object marshal out
compliant with this schema.

I'd love to hear ideas, especially if there is a "right" way to do this
with JAXB! :)
