> ... which is exactly what I thought I suggested in the first place. So I
> think we are now on the same page now.
You said:
> What I'm saying is that just supporting your use case would put us into
> a difficult position of explaining why we can do it for you but not for
> all the other people who have similar but different needs (whereas our
> current position is quite easily justifiable --- we support XML ID/IDREF
> semantics.)
Which I interpreted as meaning that you would not support anything other
than the XML ID/IDREF semantics. I was suggesting that you provide a
way of overriding the default behavior to support other implementations.
(e.g. setIdResolver( myCustomIdResolver ) ) I looked back at our
conversations and don't see where you suggested providing standard ways
of overridding that kind of behavior. Maybe I just missed it...so, may
I interpret your response to mean that JAXB will provide a way of
overridding this behavior?