SOAP and JAXB - problems with "mustUnderstand"

From: Mark D. Hansen <>
Date: Fri, 02 May 2003 18:49:50 -0400

I'm having problems with JAXB classes generated from a schema that
extends SOAP. In particular, the "mustUnderstand" attribute does not
seem to be handled properly. The SOAP schema for "mustUnderstand" is:

<xs:attribute name="mustUnderstand">
    <xs:restriction base="xs:boolean">
      <xs:pattern value="0|1" />

The JAXB generated class to set/get the "mustUnderstand" attribute end
creating instances such as this when unmarshalled:


Notice that the result is mustUnderstand="true". BUT THE SOAP
XMLSchema INDICATES THAT THE pattern value="0|1". So, the Unmarshaller
is not working properly. It should be creating an attribute like this:


Has anyone experienced this problem? Am I understanding JAXB correctly?


- Mark