Re: JAXB multiple schemas with element reference

From: Alexander Broekhuis <>
Date: Tue, 8 Mar 2011 08:22:38 +0100

Hi all,

Is there someone who might know a fix to this problem? Is this a bug,
or am I doing something wrong?

Thanks in advance!

On 3 March 2011 13:41, Alexander Broekhuis <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've created an example. As can be seen, generating a model for B.xsd,
> also generates a ObjectFactory for an element from A.xsd. The content
> of this ObjectFactory is already in the generated files for A.xsd.
> A.xsd:
> ---------
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <schema elementFormDefault="qualified" xmlns=""
>        xmlns:a=""
>        targetNamespace="">
>    <element name="someType" type="a:SomeType"></element>
>        <complexType name="SomeType">
>                <sequence>
>                        <element name="field" type="string"></element>
>                </sequence>
>                <attribute name="attr" type="string" />
>        </complexType>
> </schema>
> --------
> B.xsd
> --------
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <schema elementFormDefault="qualified"
>    xmlns=""
>    xmlns:b=""
>    xmlns:a=""
>    targetNamespace="">
>    <import namespace="" />
>    <complexType name="SomeTypeGroup">
>        <sequence>
>                <element ref="a:someType" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
>        </sequence>
>    </complexType>
>    <element name="root" type="b:RootType"></element>
>    <complexType name="RootType">
>        <sequence>
>                <element name="someTypes" type="b:SomeTypeGroup" />
>        </sequence>
>    </complexType>
> </schema>
> ---------
> catalog.xml
> ---------
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <catalog
>  xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:entity:xmlns:xml:catalog">
>  <public publicId=""
>    uri="A.xsd"/>
> </catalog>
> --------
> Shell commands
> --------
> mkdir srcgen
> mkdir srcgen/a
> mkdir srcgen/b
> xjc -d srcgen/a -episode a.episode A.xsd
> xjc -d srcgen/b B.xsd -b a.episode -catalog catalog.xml -extension
> -classpath srcgen/a
> --------
> On 2 March 2011 21:08, Alexander Broekhuis <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Thx for your reply.
>> On 2 March 2011 18:32, Wolfgang Laun <> wrote:
>>> There is no connection of the type/class names EventType and TypeType to the
>>> schema snippets. Please clarify this. A complete working example reproducing
>>> the effect would help.
>> I "edited" my working example to something simpler, and forgot to
>> rename that one EventType. I will create a small working example
>> tomorrow.
>>> But is it really necessary to use an episode file? Ususally, compiling all
>>> in one run is the way to go.
>> The project I need this for is split into multiple parts. One scheme
>> belongs to a basic module, and can be extended by other modules. So
>> yes, unfortunately in this case it is needed.
>> --
>> Met vriendelijke groet,
>> Alexander Broekhuis
> --
> Met vriendelijke groet,
> Alexander Broekhuis

Met vriendelijke groet,
Alexander Broekhuis