- Anyone using JAXB2 Basics inheritance?
- Can I bind a schema at runtime? not comand line prompt
- Field name requirements - issue with single letter camel case.
- Getting NPE in "com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.reflect.TransducedAccessor.get(JAXBContextImpl, RuntimeNonElementRef)" marshalling to XML
- How can I specify length constraints?
- How to render Map objects?
- Image as Base64
- Initial upload of fluent-api and value-constructor to new repo
- JAXB multiple schemas with element reference
- jaxb2 and toString generation
- Marshalling from _at_XmlJavaTypeAdapter for Map type emits redundant or duplicated namespaces
- Namespace problem
- No values in JAXBElement wrapped class
- remove namespace prefix from child elements by setting default namespace locally?
- selective generation of classes
- Setup a custom XmlAdapter rather than generating one
- The runtime type of IDREF types
- Unmarshal a sax stream in parts
- Unmarshalling race condition - appears fixed in 2.2.3u1
- why Hyperjaxb3 generate cascadetype.all automatically?
- Why is schemagen seemingly ignoring most of my classes?
- Why would schemagen generate a "schema2.xsd" that imports the schema that I asked to be generated?
- XEW test project
- Xjc generates "type=String.class" for Integer type