Re: JAXB multiple schemas with element reference

From: Alexander Broekhuis <>
Date: Wed, 2 Mar 2011 21:08:33 +0100


Thx for your reply.

On 2 March 2011 18:32, Wolfgang Laun <> wrote:
> There is no connection of the type/class names EventType and TypeType to the
> schema snippets. Please clarify this. A complete working example reproducing
> the effect would help.

I "edited" my working example to something simpler, and forgot to
rename that one EventType. I will create a small working example

> But is it really necessary to use an episode file? Ususally, compiling all
> in one run is the way to go.

The project I need this for is split into multiple parts. One scheme
belongs to a basic module, and can be extended by other modules. So
yes, unfortunately in this case it is needed.

Met vriendelijke groet,
Alexander Broekhuis