Re: JAXB Maven Plugin: jaxb.index

From: Aleksei Valikov <>
Date: Sun, 26 Jun 2011 12:01:12 +0200


please use for support requests.

> I am using the JAXB plugin to generate JAXB classes
> from XML Schemas.
> Currently I would like to generate the jaxb.index file too.
> I found out from the documentation that I could use
> the argument:
> -Xjaxbindex
> There is a problem though.
> Although the jaxb.index file is correctly generated
> into the:
> target/generated-sources/xjc/.../jaxb.index
> then, it is *NOT* been put into:
> target/classes/...
> So as a result, it is also *NOT* been put into the final jar
> artifact for my project.
> Can you help?

Obviously you have to instruct your build system to copy resources
from target/generated-sources/xjc to target/classes. The JAXB plugin
will not do it for you; compilation, resource copying etc. is the task
of your build system.

I assume you are using Maven. Add the following into your project/build element:

