Re: Minimal set for JNLP

From: Mark Brouwer <>
Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2003 10:48:48 +0100

Malachi de AElfweald wrote:
> Currently, I have JDOM all throughout my code. I am looking at replacing it with an autobuilt JAXB api.
> What is the minimal set of libraries needed for the JNLP?

I have no clue what JNLP stands for :-) but the minimal set [*] of
libraries at runtime are with J2SE 1.4 jaxb-api.jar, laxb-libs.jar and
jaxb-ri.jar a total of 1.14 MB.

However the size of the models generated are very large, and while I
speak of it, are there plans to reduce the size the size of the
generated code. I think there is room for some squeezing.

[*] The current license states however that much more libraries have to
be distributed, most of them are for J2SE below 1.4 or the xjc tool. But
Sun will allow us in the near future to redistrubute a limited set of
libraries, exact terms I leave over to them.
Mark Brouwer