Re: JAXB 2 - external annotations file ??

From: Kohsuke Kawaguchi <>
Date: Tue, 20 Dec 2005 10:21:11 -0800

Mark Hansen wrote:
> JAXB 2.0 lets you put binding declarations either inline with schema or
> in a separate binding declarations file. Is there a similar capatiblity
> for annotations? That is, is there a way to put JAXB annotations is a
> separate file so that you can marshal/unmarshal an existing POJO without
> having to add annotations to it?

That was indeed discussed in the EG, but in the end that felt like a
much more general idea applicable to all annotations.

In terms of the RI, it does retain an internal abstraction
(AnnotationReader) that lets you read annotations from other sources. So
it's possible for someone to define a file format and write a processor
to use it.

Would you be interested in doing that?

Kohsuke Kawaguchi
Sun Microsystems