Re: The JAXB book

From: James Mao <>
Date: Sat, 29 Sep 2007 10:34:18 +0800

Will the book "open sourced"? Copy Left?


> Hi.
>> I am very new to this mailing list and to JAXB itself. Yes of course, I
>> would appreciate a book that covers JAXB 2.0 in detail. There is already a
>> German book devoted solely to JAXB 2.0 available:
>> /302-2258488-7767209?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1190981767&sr=8-1)
>> It very much helped me to get started with JAXB 2.0. Although there are many
>> code examples, it stops when things get interesting.
> Well, yes, JAXB becomes very tricky beyond some point.
> The thing is, I've been developing with JAXB and for JAXB since ages -
> as well as supporting fellow JAXB users in mailing lists and so on.
> Sometimes I really for a good JAXB book which would not only tell you
> how to invoke XJC but describe in-depth what is generated, how and
> why.
> I've mailed O'Reilly if they would be interested in such a
> publications. If some of you guys have inside contacts in publishing
> companies who could be interested, please let me know.
> I promise I'll write a good book.
> Bye.
> /lexi
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