|| -----Original Message-----
|| From: Discussion list for the Java Architecture for XML
|| Binding [mailto:JAXB-INTEREST_at_JAVA.SUN.COM] On Behalf Of Tom Amiro
|| Sent: vrijdag 21 maart 2003 20:06
|| Subject: Re: problem with installing JWSDP on linux
|| Jeroen,
|| That is really strange. I've done many installs on Linux
|| 7.2 of the JWSDP on j2sdk1.4.1_01 b01. We've had other
|| problems with the install on Linux, but not the dreaded
|| class not found. I'll be very interested to hear if you
|| figure out what is causing this error.
The file on my harddisk is not exactly 35,824,515 bytes big like the
installation instructions says it should be. Is that a real problem?
I followed all the other instructions and suggestions but am still
receiving the NoClassDefFoundError
X-Hive Corporation
e-mail: jeroenb_at_x-hive.com
phone: +31 10 2818080