Re: [Issue 115] Supports Method Chaining/ FluentAPI

From: Kohsuke Kawaguchi <>
Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2006 17:23:19 -0800

Hanson Char wrote:
>> Let me know your user id so that we can add you to the
>> project.
> My user id is "hchar".
>> let me know the name of your plugin so that we can create a
>> directory for you. Would "fluent-api" work for you?
> Yes, "fluent-api" will do.

I added you as a developer and created a directory fluent-api and
www/fluent-api. You can put whatever you want there. Files in www/ can
be served from

You might also want to subscribe to a few mailing lists on
jaxb2-commons. They are all low-traffic lists.

> Are there any specific Java package names I should use ?

Projects in are encouraged to use "org.jvnet.<projectname>", so
I guess you can use "org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons".

If you have your own domain and would like to prefer that package name,
that's also fine, I think.

Also, feel free to update www/index.html with a link to www/fluent-api/

> (My understanding is that I can/will put the plugin under Apache 2.0
> license. Please correct me if otherwise.)

Yes. Pick the license of your choice.

Kohsuke Kawaguchi
Sun Microsystems