Re: Extensible soutions using JAXB?

From: Andrew Hughes <>
Date: Fri, 25 May 2007 11:40:53 +0930

Hi Ernst,

No, not ATOM... but an RSS format never the less (plus others). I must
confess that I don't really follow your explaination... are you
suggesting that I can write java class that can be used in conjunction
with JAXB to harvest all extension/unbound elements from the document? I
hope so, it sounds pretty cool! Could you please elaborate on my
assumptions and how this is done? I'm very interested.

Thanks for everyone replying to this thread.


Ernst, Matthias wrote:
>> I have asked this before and I'm still hunting a solution.... If an
>> unexpected element is added to the XML content, how can I use JAXB to
>> handle this?
> Andrew,
> implementing Atom :-) ?
> You can annotate a field like this:
> @XmlAnyElement @XmlElementRef
> public List<Object> extensionElements;
> It will collect
> * known root elements (classes with @XmlRootElement) as unmarshalled
> objects (due to @XmlElementRef)
> * all other (unknown) elements as DOM nodes.
> Pretty neat IMHO.
> Matthias

*Andrew Hughes*
Software Engineer
LISAsoft Pty. Ltd. (Adelaide)
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