Re: Which Java technology is better for delivering data stream between clients and servers

From: Raymond Wold <>
Date: Tue, 05 Jun 2007 07:50:02 +0200

Peizhao Hu wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am seeking for a Java technology which will be best for my project.
> What I want to do is to deliver continuous data stream from a sensor
> system, which collect sensor samples every second, to a middleware
> system according a required rate, which will manipulate this data for
> multiple applications.
> I have a few options, such as
> 1. Java Web Service
> 2. Java Message Service (Event based Pub/Sub system like)
> 3. or just direct data stream.
> Can anyone give me some advices? of course, the solution is better to be
> scalable.
> Many many thanks

If it's important that every packet reach the server, JMS using XMLMessage
would probably be best, so you didn't have to worry about reconnection,
retransmission etc. in the case of network problems. If not (and it doesn't
sound like it, sensor data like this is typically interpolated at the end
anyway), a direct data stream over TCP, or even just UDP packets with the
sensor readings, sounds like the easiest solution.