Re: IllegalArgumentException (loc parameter must not be null) when try to unmarshall via JAXBResult

From: Matt Magoffin <>
Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2005 16:43:53 -0800 (PST)

(resending due to send snafu previously)

> What XSLT engine are you using? A well-behaving XSLT engine should set a
> Locator object to JAXB, so that the above context.getLocator() won't
> return null. That's a contract defined by the SAX API.

I'm using Xalan 2.6. I'll try another if I can (I thought Xalan was a
pretty good implementation?).

> You can also work around the issue by calling getContentHandler from
> JAXBResult and invoke setDocumentLocator with maybe new
> org.xml.sax.helper(s).LocatorImpl().

I'll see if that does anything, too.

Thanks for the tips,
