Extending JAXB

From: David Halonen <>
Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2003 06:10:29 -0700

JAXB offers the ability to have implementation classes based on a specified base class. This can be very useful.

All classes w/in a schema must use the same base class, if specified. Also, all classes defined by the schema must reside w/in the same package.

Given these constraints, I would like to know of its possible to extend the PO examples in the following manner:
The PO implementation classes extend BaseClassOne.
The PO schema uses a general purpose class USAddress.

Create another schema to support Customer Orders, whereby:
The CO implementation classes extend BaseClassTwo.
The CO schema uses the general purpose class USAddress.

Its very difficult to determine if this is possible from the current documentation. I've played a little w/ the external bindings file stuff in hopes of achieving these goals, but its not looking very swell. My hope is that by tossing this out to the community at large, sharper minds can help out.
