AW: Schema Parser

From: Wiedmann, Jochen <>
Date: Tue, 13 May 2003 19:45:01 +0200

> Is there an API (not necessarily inside JAXB) that can parse
> an XMLSchema and generate a tree representing the structure?
There are several, in particular Xerces-J or JBind. See
However, most of them are syntax parsers only, and do not encapsulate the
burden of
Understanding the logical structure. I am about to release JaxMeXS in the
next days.
This is a syntax parser which was developed specifically for being
extensible. For
example, in the case of JAXB, you extend the editor by simply creating beans
"TypeSafeEnumeration". The XML attributes are mapped to properties and the
elements are mapped to "createElementName" methods. (The idea is stolen from
Ant SAX parser.) It will be the base of the JaxMe framework, an open source
Implementation of JAXB.
