1: yes, the Rectangle does represents java.awt.Rectangle, I am basically
saving layout information of the component in xml.
the map might look like this
key="componentIndex" value=1
key="bounds" value=new Rectangle(1,1,110,10)
key="insets" value=new Insets(1,1,1,1)
key="borderColor" value="Color.Red"
..basically depending on the container in which the components are
placed..the placement properties might differ...(eg :
BorderLayout,FlowLayout,GridLayout ...Container).
2: so basically my Map looks like <String,Object>. I could write a XMLJava
adapter for the map
Class ValueAdapter extends XMLAdapter{
public <...>marshal(...){
if(obj instanceof Integer){
//delegate to jaxb for marshalling
else if (obj instance of Rectangle){
//perform marshalling myself
Is..is there any way i could check whethere jaxb has marshalling support for
a class ..before performing it myself...as in the code above ?
Wolfgang Laun-2 wrote:
> The XML you've shown isn't likely to be a Map's straightforward mapping to
> XML,
> where each entry would normally contain a <key> and a <value> element.
> Marshalling of arbitrary elements with arbitrary content is possible but
> it
> requires
> complex processing. Please provide more details about your problem.
> Also, I'm somewhat suspicious with respect to the contents of your
> <bounds>
> element: Is this meant to represent a java.awt.Rectangle object?
> -W
> On Sun, Jan 10, 2010 at 6:52 AM, srinivasan_pavan <
> srinivasan_pavan_at_yahoo.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have a Map with entries of type Object ie(Hetrogenous)
>> <bounds> Rectangle(0,0,1,1)</bounds>
>> <type>1</type>
>> <...>
>> How can i map them in JAXB.
>> Thanks,
>> Pavan
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