Re: use case for Unmarshal / Marshal callback events

From: Mark Hansen <>
Date: Wed, 02 Nov 2005 09:04:41 -0500

Thanks - that is a helpful example.

Dmitri Colebatch wrote:
> Not sure of the intended use, but I can tell you what we're using it
> work. We have a complex business object that has data persisted in
> two places - half of it is read/write and we load/save using a soap
> message and marshalling using JAXB whilst the other half is read only
> and comes from SAP - in the unmarshall callback event we make a
> separate call to SAP to retrieve this half of the data and populate
> the object.
> cheers
> dim
> On 02/11/05, Mark Hansen <> wrote:
>>I'm trying to understand the intended use of Unmarshal / Marshal
>>callback events. For unmarshalling, what kind of bean property would I
>>want to set on a value class either before or after unmarshal?
>>I'm even more confused about marshal callback events. The marshal
>>callback interface doesn't provide access to the XML infoset that is
>>being marshalled in to - only the parent of the JAXB value class and the
>>Marshaller. What is the use case for setting properties of either the
>>Marshaller and/or value class before or after marshalling it out to an
>>-- Mark
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