Re: Building JAXB from CVS

From: Kohsuke Kawaguchi <>
Date: Sun, 29 Jan 2006 11:26:57 -0800

Hanson Char wrote:
> One interesting thing I've observed from building jaxb 2.0 is that if I set
> up a project in Netbeans (4.1.x) or IntelliJ (5.0.x) or just build it
> directly via Ant, the source code compiles just fine. But if I set up a
> project in Eclipse (3.1.2), a lot of source codes with Java5 generics
> constructs are marked as errors by the IDE! (Example:
> ElementInfoImpl.javaunder package
> com.sun.xml.bind.v2.model.impl)
> This seems to indicate that as jar as Java generics goes Eclipse is not
> quite up to the task yet :(

That's my observation, too.

> One annoyance I've found regardless of whether I am using Ant (1.6.5)
> directly from the command line, or Netbeans, IntelliJ or Eclipse, "ant dist"
> always failed unless I comment out the "javadoc" target in
> runtime/build.xml. Otherwise, it always failed with something like:
> C:\Playground\workspace\3.1.1\jaxb2-sources\jaxb-ri\runtime\build.xml:207:
> Javadoc failed: CreateProcess:
> C:\Software\jdk\1.5.0\06\bin\javadoc.exe -quiet -d
> C:\Playground\workspace\3.1.1\jaxb2-sources\jaxb-ri\runtime\build\api -use
> -windowtitle "JAXB RI runtime" -package -classpath
> C:\Playground\workspace\3.1.1\jaxb2-sources\jaxb-ri\runtime-api\build\classes;C:\Playground\workspace\3.1.1\jaxb2-sources\jaxb-ri\tools\lib\redist\activation.jar;C:\Playground\workspace\3.1.1\jaxb2-sources\jaxb-ri\tools\lib\redist\jaxb-
> api.jar
> ;C:\Playground\workspace\3.1.1\jaxb2-sources\jaxb-ri\tools\lib\redist\jsr173_1.0_api.jar;C:\Playground\workspace\3.1.1\jaxb2-sources\jaxb-ri\tools\lib\rebundle\compiler\dtd-
> parser-1.0.jar
> ;C:\Playground\workspace\3.1.1\jaxb2-sources\jaxb-ri\tools\lib\rebundle\compiler\relaxngDatatype.jar;C:\Playground\workspace\3.1.1\jaxb2-sources\jaxb-ri\tools\lib\rebundle\compiler\resolver.jar;C:\Playground\workspace\3.1.1\jaxb2-sources\jaxb-ri\tools\lib\rebundle\compiler\rngom.jar;C:\Playground\workspace\3.1.1\jaxb2-sources\jaxb-ri\tools\lib\rebundle\compiler\xsom.jar;C:\Playground\workspace\3.1.1"

Can you run "ant -debug" to get more detailed info?

On surface, it's an error in CreateProcess, indicating that there's
something wrong with the environment --- such as not being able to find
javadoc.exe, or some such.

Hopefully "ant -debug" will help us there.

Kohsuke Kawaguchi
Sun Microsystems