Re: JAXB 1 - catalog issues

From: William Simons <>
Date: Tue, 04 Oct 2005 10:14:43 -0400

I whipped up a small test and attached it in test.tar.gz. I'm using
jwsdp-1.6. To use the ant script, modify the jaxb.home property to the
point to the correct location.

While writing up the test, it became clear that the problem is that the
imported file that is referenced from the catalog is also included in the
sources that JAXB is compiling. So the types really are already defined
(once from the import and once from the JAXB compilation).

Any suggestion as to how to workaround this? I need to have the import to
make the schemas valid, but I also need to have the imported schemas


On 10/3/05 3:51 PM, "Perry, Steve" <> wrote:

> It would be helpful to see credentials.xsd and any other schemas that
> are pulled in. I suspect that your elementFormDefault is "qualified" and
> "PasswordType" is a complexType that occurs in the same namespace. Can
> you please send the schema file(s), or relevant snippets to this list?
> --steve
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: William Simons []
>> Sent: Monday, October 03, 2005 2:16 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: JAXB 1 - catalog issues
>> Hi all,
>> Is this the correct mailing list for JAXB 1 issues too?
>> I'm trying to use the catalog feature in JAXB and am having
>> some strange problems. The error that I get indicate that my
>> imported schemas are being loaded more than once.
>> [xjc] [ERROR] 'PasswordType' is already defined
>> [xjc] line 24 of credentials.xsd
>> [xjc] [ERROR] (related to above error) the first definition
>> appears here
>> [xjc] line 19 of credentials.xsd
>> I've tried using this feature in jwsdp1.6, 1.5, and 1.4 with
>> no success. The exact same schemas work with the JAXB2.0
>> weekly build but not the EA release.
>> Has anyone seen this problem before? A workaround (or a
>> pointer) would be fantastic. I can try to create a simple
>> test case if necessary...
>> Thanks,
>> Bill Simons
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