Re: Getting JAXB to instantiate your subclasses

From: Ryan Shoemaker - JavaSoft East <>
Date: Mon, 07 Apr 2003 13:51:58 -0400

Allister Bertram wrote:
> I can get the code to compile, and I can unmarshal my XML into Java
> objects.
> The problem is that only the highest-level instances are unmarshalled into
> my Impl subclasses.
> When my XML document contains:
> <ElementA>
> <ElementAA>..</ElementAA>
> <ElementBB>..</ElementBB>
> <ElementCC>..</ElementCC>
> My ElementA is unmarshalled into a MyAImpl, but my ElementAA is
> unmarshalled into an AAImpl, my ElementBB into a BBImpl, etc.

Are you placing the <implClass> customization on the element declarations
or the anonymous complexType declarations? Do you have:

    <xs:element name="ElementA">
          <jxb:implClass name=""/>


    <xs:element name="ElementA">
        <jxb:implClass name=""/>

If you're placing the customization on the element rather than the type,
that might explain the problem.


> When my XML document contains:
> <ElementAA>
> <ElementARef>..</ElementARef>
> </ElementAA>
> <ElementBB>
> <ElementARef>..</ElementARef>
> </ElementBB>
> My ElementAA is then unmarshalled into a MyAAImpl, my ElementBB into a
> MyBBImpl, etc.