Dott. Ing. Francesca Merighi wrote:
> Obviously unmarshall method requires xmlns="" tag too.
> I'd like that jaxb gives me an object class without xmlns="" during
> marshalling/unmarshalling.
> Can you help me?
From the schema, it seems to me that the JAXB RI is producing a
'correct' document (in the sense that all elements belong to the correct
namespace URI.) So I'm curious why you don't like this.
If you'd like the "hw_namespace" URI to be bound to a prefix, you can do
so by using the NamespacePrefixMapper interface (see the archive and a
sample for more details.)
Or maybe it could be that you are not writing the schema you intended
and perfhaps forgot to have @elementFormDefault="qualified" on the
<schema> element.
Kohsuke Kawaguchi
Sun Microsystems