I: Jaxb binding problem

From: Dott. Ing. Francesca Merighi <>
Date: Fri, 15 Apr 2005 10:10:23 +0200


Hi, i'm trying to build a WebService Client.
I created a XML schema from WSDL Document that envelops Web Method
Then i used jaxb tool (xjc) to bind Web Service objects.
I have this problem: when I marshal a Web Method call object , I obtain a
XML message with an empty namespace tag where namespace is not specified in
XML Schema, as this:

<SOAP-ENV:Body><SayHelloWord xmlns="hw_namespace">
<input xmlns="">

from XML Schema :

<s:schema targetNamespace="hw_namespace"
xmlns:s="" xmlns:tns="hw_namespace" >
<s:element name="SayHelloWord">
<s:element name="input" type="tns:InputStruct"/>
<s:complexType name="InputStruct">
<s:element name="name" type="s:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<s:element name="surname" type="s:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<s:element name="SayHelloWordResponse">
<s:element name="SayHelloWordResult" type="s:string" minOccurs="0"/>

Obviously unmarshall method requires xmlns="" tag too.

I'd like that jaxb gives me an object class without xmlns="" during

Can you help me?



Francesca Merighi