I am using Metro 1.4.
Does anyone know how to resolve these warnings? I think that I need some
sort of customization file, but can't seem to figure out what is needed.
The warnings occur because a type is used before it is declared in the
wsdl file (I think). Is there a standard way to fix this kind of warning?
[wsimport] command line: wsimport -d
/home/jh149683/workspace/idm/tmp/client -Xdebug -Xnocompile -keep
-verbose idm/client/wsdl/grc/5.3/SAPGRC_AC_IDM_AUDITTRAIL/main.wsdl -p
[wsimport] parsing WSDL...
[wsimport] [DEBUG] Authorization file "/home/jh149683/.metro/auth" not
found. If the WSDL access needs Basic Authentication, please provide
authorization file with read access at /home/jh149683/.metro/auth or use
-Xauthfile to give the authorization file and on each line provide
authorization information using this format :
[wsimport] [WARNING] src-resolve: Cannot resolve the name
's0:AuditLogResult' to a(n) 'type definition' component.
[wsimport] line 100 of
[wsimport] [WARNING] src-resolve: Cannot resolve the name
's0:BOException' to a(n) 'type definition' component.
[wsimport] line 24 of
[wsimport] generating code...
Jeff Haynes