RE: generate javadoc

From: Dave Hoffer <>
Date: Sat, 29 Dec 2007 07:46:34 -0500

I too have had some problems/questions regarding javadoc generation. However, in my case I wanted the normal xsd:documentation to show up as javadocs (we are binding with other languages as well and I didn't want to have to enter docs multiple times).

In your case, what does not work? Do you not get your specified javadocs in the java source or does this not get picked up by your build system?

I was able to get regular xsd:documentation to be placed in the java source if and only if it was a Complex type. Documentation for elements, simple types, etc are ignored. Also I could not get <jaxb:javadoc> to help much because it would always replace the normally generated JAXB comments which are helpful (I want domain level docs added).


-----Original Message-----
From: Felipe Gaścho []
Sent: Saturday, December 29, 2007 6:17 AM
Subject: generate javadoc

I am generating classes from a XSD schema.. everything works fine. My
ant task generates the classes and then pack a JAR file for

What I want now is to include the javadoc in this JAR file, in a way
Eclipse and other IDEs can show up the documentation of types and its
members during the development phase;

how to achieve that ?

from the tutorial, I included that:

                                <jaxb:class name="MyType">
                                                A &lt;b>Purchase Order&lt;/b> consists of
                                                addresses and items.

but the Eclipse continue to show:

Note: This element neither has attached source nor attached Javadoc
and hence no Javadoc could be found.

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