Re: getting simple xjc plugin to work

From: jason white <>
Date: Thu, 09 Mar 2006 18:46:04 +0000


I sent you the jar file with my code etc. in a separate email.. My
manifest/service/xxxxxxx file is setup correctly (that I can tell) and,
,like you said - my code and ant tasks look good. Not sure why this is
still failing....

Am looking at camelcase-always now. Very straighforward but not pointing me
to the root of my problem per se (as of yet).

Please take a look at the jar I sent you and let me know a)if you see
anything glaringly wrong and b)maybe try running it on your local dev and
see if it get's recognized...I have tried it on 2 machines myself and
reproduced the same results each time but who knows....
