cloning of extended JAXB elements

From: Christophe Alexandre <>
Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2007 15:11:39 +0200

Hi all,
I have generated JAXB objects and I have extended them. I have
defined my own ObjectFactory as explained in https://
My question is : what is the best way to clone them, I don't want to
define a clone method in my extending objects because this would be
to complicated.
What I deed is to marshall in a DOM document before unmarshaling them
back. Is this a good solution ?

Another problem is that some of these elements do not have the
XmlRootElement tag.
Therefore, the marshaling does not work. I've tried what's explained
here :
_XmlRootElement_and_unmarshalling.html but it did not work and
I must add the XmlRootElement in the generated classes.

Any hints ?
