Re: JAXB Can't Compile DSMLv2 Schema

From: Ryan Shoemaker - JavaSoft East <Ryan.Shoemaker_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 30 Aug 2004 11:58:22 -0400

Marc Boorshtein wrote:

> I butchered the schema mostly to see how it effected the process. I
> used an external jxb binding in my R&D. What I'd like to do now is see
> how to take the draft schema and get that to compile. Unfortunately it
> had some issues with my client libraries not sending proper DSMLv2.
> Quick question: if I have a <sequence> in my schema, but I really don't
> care if the children are in sequence, is there a way through a custom
> binding to get around this? Or to completely turn off validation?

We have a vendor extension that allows you to control the generated
runtime code, including the generation of validation code. Take a
look at the release notes[1] for more information on our "Light-weight
runtime" feature.




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