Separate compilation with xs:include ?

From: Noé Casas <>
Date: Fri, 20 Jul 2012 11:54:00 +0200

I am trying to use the/xjc/separate compilation mechanism

I first compile an XML schema and bundle the resulting class files along
with the episode in a jar file. Then I try to compile another schema
that refers to the previous one, but although I follow the steps
depicted in the documentation (i.e. I specify the first jar file as last
argument in the invocation to/xjc/for the second schema), I don't manage
to make/xjc/use the classes from another jar file, it keeps generating
again the classes.

As my schemas refer to the same namespaces, I usexs:include
<>instead ofxs:import
<>and I suspect this might
be the problem.

Does/xjc/separate compilation mechanism support xs:include ?

(my environment consists of: xjc 2.1.10, java 1.6.0_24, SuSE Linux).

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