Re: Get Schema from compiled JAXB-Classes

From: Roman Seidl <>
Date: Mon, 08 Aug 2005 16:06:07 +0200

Dear Alksei!

>> i consider switching from XMLBeans to JAXB for my application. There
>> is only one limitation of JAXB that seems to make this complicated:
>> XMLBeans is able to return the Schema of a Document Object compiled
>> by its Schma-Compiler. Is it possible to do this with JAXB? And if
>> its possible what Version would i have to use and what xjc or other
>> settings are required?
> Maybe you could elaborate on what exactly "return the Schema" means.
> In JAXB 2, you can access JAXB annotations in the runtime. In both
> JAXB 1 and JAXB 2 you can inspect schema constructs from the
> plugin/addon.

I need a xsd document (returned as string or object that can be
serialized to xsd) that describes the current Document-Objects
DocumentType (and the types of its subnodes by references or inclusion).

Can you send me an url of the plugin/addon you mentioned if it can do
something like that?

Thanks for your reply!

roman seidl