Re: Episodic compilation against jar file

From: Raymond Wold <>
Date: Mon, 02 Apr 2007 11:02:31 +0200

Kohsuke Kawaguchi wrote:
> Raymond Wold wrote:
>> I would like it if xjc looked in the jar file for the schemas the
>> episode file inside the jar file refers to, is that possible?
> Yes, something like that would be nice, but as always the ugliness of
> the schema spec bites us back. That is, sometimes the schema can't be
> read by itself, and instead the way it's imported defines how it's
> interpreted.
> We'd also think about how external references are resolved, like DTD,
> XInclude, that sort of things.
> So this needs more thinking. Can you file this as an issue, pointing to
> this thread?

I wasn't sure if this was an issue with JAXP or JAXB, as I'm not that familiar
with the internal workings. I filed it under JAXB for now, see, I assume you can move it
if I did something wrong.

>> In the
>> example from KK's blog, obviously has no
>> schema, and you get "[ERROR] src-resolve: Cannot resolve the name
>> 'a:myType' to a(n) 'type definition' component." which in itself is
>> less than optimal, a "could not find imported schema source" or
>> similar would be better.
> Agreed about the error message, but that comes from the JAXP RI. I've
> been filing several bugs against them about the quality of the error
> message, and this one is

I see, thanks. I've added some votes to the issue.

> I didn't quite follow this part.

Yeah that's me being confused on a couple of the issues. Disregard.