Re: Problem with using JAXB from applet

From: Hyun Shin <hshin_at_FSC-USA.COM>
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2003 16:56:10 -0700

I was able to get a clue from the previous problem regarding "ExceptionInInitializerError" which Ed referred to. thanks.
Now I can run my sample program with 1.4.1_02 JRE but not with 1.3.1 JRE
But what I really need to do is running it on 1.3.1 JRE.
Please give me your wise advice.

Here is the story.

What I did before was trying to deploy "JAXB related jar files" from
the server, instead of putting those under <JREHOME>/lib/ext
and <JREHOME>/lib/endorsed.

So I removed those files from the archive list parameter in the html file and locate files like below.

<JREHOME>/lib/ext: jaxb-rt.jar jaxb-xjc.jar jaxb-api.jar jaxb-libs.jar
jaxp-api.jar jax-qname.jar namespace.jar

<JARHOME>/lib/endorsed: dom.jar sax.jar xalan.jar xerceImpl.jar

Now the sample program I posted was working just fine with 1.4.1_02 JRE.

However, what I wanted to do is deploying those binaries as a download from the server, so I tried this.

1. Removed above files from JREHOME.
2. list the following only in the html.
  <PARAM NAME = ARCHIVE VALUE = "test.jar, jaxb-ri.jar, jaxb-api.jar,
     jaxb-libs.jar, jaxb-xjc.jar, jax-qname.jar, namespace.jar" >
This list excluded the jaxp-api.jar and the files under endorsed/.

And this worked ok too except bunch of file not found Exception showing
up on the Java console at startup.

However, I tried the same thing with 1.3.1_07 JRE. Non of above tries worked with this version of java. Would anybody have any idea of what
to do ? It will be a great help.

I have some reasons which prevent me from being able to switch to 1.4.1 immedietly. And, I have another reason that I cannot switch to other XML
parser. I have done great amount of work using JAXB early access version,
and now is time to switch to JAXB 1.0 for deploying with minimum effort ...

Thanks in advance for your help.