I have two elements like the following and would like to use element
<single name="name1">foo</param>
<multi name="name2">
I defined the schema for base type param and <multi>:
<xs:complexType name="param">
<xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:string" use="required" />
<xs:element name="paramE" type="param" abstract="true" />
<xs:element name="multi" substitutionGroup="paramE">
<xs:extension base="param">
<xs:element name="val" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"
Now how do I define <single> element as derived from the base type
param? I only know to define <single> as extension of xs:string, but that
won't work with substitutionGroup.
I know I can always resort to do <single
name="name1"><val>foo</val></param>, but I just hope I can do without the
<val> here. Any ideas?
-- Chuck
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