Re: schema location or namespace of JAXB object

From: Christophe Alexandre <>
Date: Thu, 28 Jun 2007 10:01:12 +0200

Well, you reassure me ;) .
With JAXB 2.1, I see a file generated with the
schema location information in it. I guess the JAXBContext loads
this information from it ?
With JAXB 1, I guess the information is more deeply hidden in the
generated files.


Le 27 juin 07 à 15:22, Kenny MacLeod a écrit :

> You know, the more I think about this, the less I understand... for
> the life of me, I can't see how the namespace URI is marshalled
> when the annotated classes contain no such information. It must be
> something obvious, but I can't see it.
> Anyone?
>> - How does JAXB manage to marshal a .xml with the schema location
>> and namespace information
>> when the only argument I give to the marshaller is the
>> ObjectFactory ?
>> - When my .xml is unmarshalled, how the unmarshaller manages the
>> schema location and namespace information ?
>> Regards.
>> Christophe
>> Le 27 juin 07 à 14:00, Kenny MacLeod a écrit :
>>>> Isn't SchemaFactory reliant on a .xsd ?
>>> It is, but JAXB isn't reliant on schema at all. You can inject a
>>> Schema into the JAXB unmarshaller if you wish, but that's only to
>>> add validation.
>>>> My problem is that at runtime I don't have access to the schema
>>>> but to JAXB instances generated from a .xml unmarshalling.
>>>> And I want to access the schema location information from any
>>>> JAXB object.
>>> JAXB itself gives you no help there, you'll need to locate the
>>> schema yourself.
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