Re: Help packs for schema-derived classes

From: Aleksei Valikov <>
Date: Thu, 11 Aug 2005 10:05:29 +0200


> I haven't touched 1.0.x for a while now, so a lot of details have
> slipped my memory.

I still have to focus on 1.0.x since applications have to go on Java
1.4. We're planning Java 5.0/JAXB 2.0 versions for the spring next year.

> This separation makes sense. I guess that means the task is now
> 1) define an XML dump format of the JAXB model


> 2) write a nice renderer that converts it to HTML


> At one point, I thought about annotating the runtime model classes with
> JAXB annotations so that we can use JAXB itself to dump the model into XML.

Well, again 2.0. ;)
I think, if focusing on a simple non-universal dumping tailored for the
help file generation, the first task from two above becomes quite simple.

>> I was also considering XMI as the format for grammar XML. This has an
>> added value of making schema-derived classes UML-ready, but XMI seems
>> to be a bit overcomplicated for the task.
> By the way have you seen xsddoc?

Really nice. ;) Thanks.
Unfortinatelly, generated docs are developer-oriented rather than
user-oriented. Suits for me but not for mu users - subject are experts.

Kohsuke, thanks for support.
I think, help generation will be open source.
