Re: What are the license conditions for jaxb reference implementation modification and redistribution?

From: Martin Grebac <>
Date: Fri, 12 Oct 2012 17:06:03 +0200

  I'm not a lawyer, can't give any legal advice - certainly recommend to
discuss with lawyer if you're uncertain. However, as for the dual
licence - it's up to you to choose which to use. See [1] for more info,
the same applies for jaxb,


On 10/12/12 5:00 PM, Seref Arikan wrote:
> Greetings,
> I am working on some tooling that will use a .NET library that is
> created from Jaxb reference implementation using IKVM.
> If I transform the Jaxb reference implementation to .NET using IKVM,
> can I distribute the resulting .NET dll? What would be the license
> conditions for this dll then? I could not see any explanation of the
> dual licensing terms and conditions of reference implementation: which
> one is effective when etc.
> Best regards
> Seref

Martin Grebac, SW Engineering Manager (Metro/JAXWS/JAXB RI)
Oracle Czech, Prague
ICQ: 93478885