Re: Plugin for JAXB Outline Traversal

From: Vojtěch Krása <>
Date: Fri, 1 Aug 2014 01:45:21 +0200

Btw by that union type, you meant xsd:choice and not xsd:union right?

2014-08-01 1:10 GMT+02:00 Vojtěch Krása <>:

> You can see how I load getters and setters in PrimitiveFixerPlugin, sadly
> I do not know anything better that brute force (but I have not tried to
> find anything better either).
> Those union types are real problem, I've tried to find which fields are
> part of xsd:choice, I even searched in xjc source, with no luck. I will
> probably ask on jaxb mailing list how to handle that...
> But if you really want to generate it as List (I would not do it), then it
> seems to me that you could easily look into @XmlElementRef, and load those
> types from there...
> @XmlElementRefs({
> @XmlElementRef(name = "*Tea*", namespace = "a", type =
> JAXBElement.class),
> @XmlElementRef(name = "*Coffee*", namespace = "a", type =
> JAXBElement.class)
> })
> protected List<JAXBElement<String>> teaOrCoffee;
> V.
> 2014-08-01 0:02 GMT+02:00 Simon Chase <>:
> Hi,
>> I am programmatically trying to be able to anticipate the correspondence
>> between a generated Field, and its contained type or get/set methods, but
>> without trying to reverse-engineer the xic compiler.
>> For example, most of the time, a field’s get/set methods can be found by
>> capitalizing the first letter of the field’s simple name, and then
>> prepending “get” or “set.” But if the field was built from an xml element
>> named “static” (bad practice, but allowable), then the field will be
>> “_static” and the get and set methods will be “getStatic” and “setStatic”.
>> I have also run into trouble with Lists, because an Xml list element can
>> have a union type, but this becomes List<Object> in Java. The field for
>> this list will be named <type1>Or<Type2>Or…Or<TypeN>. I could break the
>> string apart by splitting on “Or,” but that would quickly fall apart if
>> anyone put “Or” in a field (I don’t know if xic will break this out).
>> Is there a way to query xjc to get this information? It looks like I can
>> readily go from a code model object from the outline to its pre-compilation
>> schema model, and back again, but I guess I’m trying to query xjc for what
>> it’s going to do in between the two.
>> Thanks,
>> Simon
>> On Jul 31, 2014, at 2:44 PM, Vojtěch Krása <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> basically everything I know about the xjc is contained in my plugin. It
>> seems to me that traversing as I do should be enough. What exactly are you
>> trying to achieve?
>> V.
>> S pozdravem
>> Vojtěch Krása
>> 2014-07-31 19:14 GMT+02:00 Simon Chase <>:
>>> Hi,
>>> I’m trying to write a plugin that will be able to walk through the
>>> Outline tree for java code generated by xjc. Any guidance on how to
>>> traverse the outline, so that the plugin will be able to:
>>> - link a reference class’s field to its corresponding get/set methods
>>> - link a field to its reference class
>>> - link a List to its member class (or to a list of its member classes if
>>> it holds a union of types)
>>> would be helpful. I’ve looked through the outline and navigator classes
>>> packages, and the overarching architecture is not clear to me.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Simon Chase
>>> Software Engineer
>>> Raytheon BBN Technologies