Re: Maven 2 Jaxb2 plugin use

From: William Simons <>
Date: Wed, 29 Mar 2006 15:16:57 -0500


I see that I'm a bit ahead of myself... From an earlier email "... We need
to get the plugin into the repository so people can download it."

Looks like I need to just wait until it gets into the repository. I'll
monitor this list for status.

Thanks for all your great work!


On 3/29/06 3:04 PM, "William Simons" <>

> Hey guys,
> I'm trying to use the maven 2 plugin that you wrote and ran into a small
> problem. The error message that I got:
> The plugin '' does not exist or no
> valid version could be found
> Seems to indicate that the plugin isn't available in any repository. My pom
> is fairly simple and is included below. What am I missing?
> Thanks,
> Bill
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <project>
> <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>
> <artifactId>core-xml</artifactId>
> <name>PING CORE XML</name>
> <groupId>ping</groupId>
> <version>3.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
> <repositories>
> <repository>
> <id></id>
> <name> Maven Repository</name>
> <url></url>
> <layout>legacy</layout>
> </repository>
> </repositories>
> <dependencies>
> <dependency>
> <groupId>jaxb</groupId>
> <artifactId>jaxb-api</artifactId>
> <version>2.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
> </dependency>
> <dependency>
> <groupId>jaxb</groupId>
> <artifactId>jaxb-impl</artifactId>
> <version>2.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
> </dependency>
> </dependencies>
> <build>
> <plugins>
> <plugin>
> <groupId></groupId>
> <artifactId>maven-jaxb-plugin</artifactId>
> <executions>
> <execution>
> <phase>generate-sources</phase>
> <goals>
> <goal>generate</goal>
> </goals>
> </execution>
> </executions>
> </plugin>
> <plugin>
> <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
> <artifactId>maven-compiler-plugin</artifactId>
> <configuration>
> <source>1.5</source>
> <target>1.5</target>
> </configuration>
> </plugin>
> </plugins>
> </build>
> </project>
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