impl class customization

From: Vladimir Blagojevic <>
Date: Fri, 09 May 2003 03:03:44 -0400


Quoting the recent chat discussion:

lgstarn: The JAXB specification authors chose to create the generated JAXB
classes as value objects that can be accessed via interfaces. Can you
discuss ways (other than straight delegation) in which JAXB can be used as
part of an object hierarchy? In other words, is there a way to use
inheritance/polymorphism with these objects to add business behavior?

Ryan Shoemaker: Great question. Everyone wants to know how to add their
own business logic to the generated classes. We currently have an issue in
the RI that makes extending the generated classes a little tricky, but it
is possible. We are working on a FAQ entry that will explain this in more
detail via the <implClass> customization

Any news about an example or a faq entry?
