Re: enum types and generated constants?

From: Dmitri Colebatch <>
Date: Tue, 14 Jun 2005 13:35:16 +1000

Thanks again Kohsuke, could I ask one last question before putting
this thread to bed. Are there any more checks and balances put on the
RI early access release that I'm currently using than on the weekly
builds? I get the impression I really should be using the weekly
builds to access this and other functionality that I want to use (and
also to provide you with more accurate feedback). We're developing a
program that is in pilot with three customers who are working with us
and understand that it is a work in progress so I'm happy to use
non-GA code, but by the same token don't want to be introducing bugs
and creating more work for myself tracking them down.

In short - is it reasonably safe to use the weekly builds in a
semi-production environment?


On 6/14/05, Kohsuke Kawaguchi <> wrote:
> Dmitri Colebatch wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Thanks for the response. I'm interested in 2.0, we're currently using
> > the jaxb-ri-20050407 download. Was this fixed after that release? I
> > assume it was as the attached schema doesn't generate anything I can
> > see to use for the Test element when I call xjc test.xsd.
> I tried the attached schema with the current HEAD and it generated the
> enum class. I'm afraid it's not very easy to find out when we made the
> changes.
> > Do I need to add command line parameters? Or is it simply a case of I
> > need a newer version. I'm assuming the latter as I cant see anything
> > that looks relevant in the xjc output.
> There's no command-line parameter. I suspect that you just need to use a
> newer version.
> --
> Kohsuke Kawaguchi
> Sun Microsystems