Re: New JAXB project

From: Kohsuke Kawaguchi <Kohsuke.Kawaguchi_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 02 Aug 2007 11:20:44 -0700

Marco Neumann wrote:
> Hi Kohsuke,
> I am starting a new a project for new product development.
> We decided to go with Java 5 for now but will use JAXB
> to marshal relation data into a network data structure.
> Is there any reason why I should push the project to Java 6
> or will Java 5 be just fine?

 From JAXB perspective, there's no reason to prefer one over the other.
But the aspects for you to consider is:

- Java6 bundles JAXB 2.0 (and upcoming Java6u3 will bundle JAXB 2.1)
   so you can reduce footprint of your app.

- If you need to rely on specific versions of JAXB RI for bug fixes,
   you'd need the standalone JAXB RI anyway.

- Running JAXB 2.1 on Java6 with JAXB 2.0 (that is, pre Java6u3) is
   pain. See [1].

Obviously Java6 comes with a boat load of new features and bug fixes,
and you might want those.

Kohsuke Kawaguchi
Sun Microsystems