Re: attributeGroup ref and annotation

From: Sekhar Vajjhala <>
Date: Mon, 03 Mar 2003 22:33:35 -0500

Shailender wrote:

> Hi Sekhar,
> Thanks for your reply. I took the validity of the schema for granted
> as it was valid in XML Spy. Is it possible that the RI binding
> compiler "xjc" prints a useful error message than just "Failed to parse a
> schema" on this validation failure?

Yes. A better error message would be useful. We will look into this.

> JAXB 1.0 RI Beta trace is like the one
> below. That is how I was able to find out where the problem was in
> the first instance.
> D:\>xjc Test.xsd
> parsing a schema...
> Unexpected <xs:annotation> appears at line 7 column 22
> line 7 of Test.xsd
> Failed to parse a schema.
> Thanks,
> Shailender
