More unmarshalling errors

From: Spies, Brennan <>
Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2007 13:47:36 -0700

Hi all,


Having 2 problems...


1) Unmarshalling a collection that is wrapped by an @XmlElementWrapper


      @XmlElementWrapper(name="Transitions", required=true)


      public Collection<TransitionDefinition<? extends Node>>
getTransitions() { //TransitionDefinition is an interface

                  return transitions;



      Unmarshalling from XML like this:



        <Transition to="route_1" from="task_1"/>

        <BranchedTransition from="task_2">

            <Case to="task_branch_1" condition="$TASK.count = 5"/>

            <Case to="task_branch_2" condition="$TASK.count = 0"/>





      is always giving me a null return value from getTransitions().


2) Unmarshalling a simple element that has an xsi type (always getting
null) to a generic type


public class AttributeDefinition<T> {

      T value;


      public T getValue() {

                  return value;




Unmarshalling from this XML


   <Attribute name="num">

       <Value xsi:type="xs:int">5</Value>



always gives me a null for Value.





