Re: Unmarshal error but XMLSPY says ok

From: Frank <>
Date: Fri, 24 Nov 2006 19:01:45 -0500

    Thanks. Ok I used Oxygen as you recommended and it validated the
document to the schema just fine. From what I can tell it's and issue
with the name spaces. Jaxb doe snot like "

<jbfsa:" for some reasons but the external xlm validators validate it.


Kirill Grouchnikov wrote:

>XMLSpy is very unreliable in validating XMLs against schemas (it's too permissive). Use Oxygen, Stylus Studio, XML Exchanger or any other XML tool to do the external (manual) validation.
>----- Original Message ----
>From: Frank <>
>To: jaxb user list <>
>Sent: Friday, November 24, 2006 3:04:47 PM
>Subject: Unmarshal error but XMLSPY says ok
>I have a document that validates just fine in XMLSPY but when I try to
>unmarshal it using JAXB it fails with the following error:
>javax.xml.bind.UnmarshalException: unexpected element
>(uri:"urn:us:gov:dod:army:cerdec:jbfsa:csds:r1", local:"getDocRequest").
>Expected elements are
> at
>The document is as follows:
><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
><jbfsa:getDocRequest xmlns:ds="";
> <jbfsa:Time >2006-12-17T09:30:47.0Z</jbfsa:Time>
> <jbfsa:Item >
> <jbfsa:ReleaseAuth
>nonce="UjBsR09EbGhjZ0dTQUxNQUFBUUNBRU1tQ1p0dU1GUXhEUzhi" >
> <jbfsa:AuthorityID >dbs</jbfsa:AuthorityID>
> <jbfsa:RecipientID >mesh_high</jbfsa:RecipientID>
> <jbfsa:DocRef alg="SHA-256"
> >UjBsR09EbGhjZ0dTQUxNQUFBUUNBRU1tQ1p0dU1GUXhEUzhi</jbfsa:DocRef>
> <jbfsa:Time >2006-10-25T09:30:47.0Z</jbfsa:Time>
> <ds:Signature ><ds:SignedInfo ><ds:CanonicalizationMethod
>Algorithm=""; /><ds:Reference
> ><ds:Transforms ><ds:Transform
>/><ds:Transform Algorithm="";
> ><ds:XPath Filter="intersect"
>Algorithm=""; /><ds:DigestValue
> >2jmj7l5rSw0yVb/vlWAYkK/YBwk=</ds:DigestValue></ds:Reference></ds:SignedInfo><ds:SignatureValue >fHZkk1yEkHj1d+PKlgDtvx6QLexSaiY6u+UPisHyR3/w5xnfrI2H8Q==</ds:SignatureValue><ds:KeyInfo ><ds:KeyName >dbs</ds:KeyName></ds:KeyInfo></ds:Signature></jbfsa:ReleaseAuth>
> </jbfsa:Item>
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