Re: Complex references

From: Jeremy Haile <>
Date: Fri, 15 Jul 2005 20:10:04 -0400

Thanks Kohsuke! I appreciate your help!

On Fri, 15 Jul 2005 14:44:09 -0700, "Kohsuke Kawaguchi"
<Kohsuke.Kawaguchi_at_Sun.COM> said:
> Jeremy Haile wrote:
> > Which I interpreted as meaning that you would not support anything other
> > than the XML ID/IDREF semantics. I was suggesting that you provide a
> > way of overriding the default behavior to support other implementations.
> > (e.g. setIdResolver( myCustomIdResolver ) ) I looked back at our
> > conversations and don't see where you suggested providing standard ways
> > of overridding that kind of behavior. Maybe I just missed, may
> > I interpret your response to mean that JAXB will provide a way of
> > overridding this behavior?
> I think improving the support for the reference integrity is a good
> thing. That's my personal opinion as an engineer involved in this
> project.
> That said, the team has to consider priorities when implementing
> features, and I don't know where it comes in that sense. Besides, it's
> not up to me to decide what would be standardized --- that's up to the
> EG.
> So I really can't promise anything. I do have some freedom in putting
> things into the RI, so I might be able to do that. It is generally much
> easier to do so than to put something into the spec.
> --
> Kohsuke Kawaguchi
> Sun Microsystems