I am willing to make a plug in. a quick google leads me to:
Are there any other resources I should know about?
Also, I currently am using a small set of of global bindings to make the
classes hibernate friendly, like using GregorianCalendar and not
XMLGregorianCalendar...is this something could accomplish? I ask because a
general use "make hibernate friendly" plug in might be nice for others.
On 2/3/06 11:47 AM, "Kohsuke Kawaguchi" <kohsuke.kawaguchi_at_sun.com> wrote:
> Lucas Jordan wrote:
>> Oops.
>> But hibernate also wants a:
>> public void setNames(List<String>); <-- set names, not get names
> Sounds like a good plugin possibility to me.
> Would you be interested in writing one?